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What to Expect from an Auto Accident Attorney

You need to have a few demands the moment you hire an auto accident attorney. One of the common requests or expectation would be to sit down and have a session to discuss all matters pertaining the case. This should be on your first consultation meeting that should be free. A lawyer that wants to be paid for it should be considered a no go zone and reason for you to move on.


However, after the first meeting and based on the trend that you have put in place, you will expect regular updates on the proceedings of the case. Apart from this basic requirement, other things must play in your mind as well.


Accident description and details


Even though you are likely to describe everything that happen at the accident scene to your attorney from, he or she should conduct further investigation to determine if anything was missed in the confusion. When the attorney finds out anything new, he or she should update you in details. The initial description of the case is very important as it provides a basis for the case. The attorney is likely to evaluate the case and decide if it is worth any trouble. It is from this disclosure that you may end up signing a contract.




It is expected that when you hire an auto accident attorney the lawyer should be ready with advice. According to most attorneys, you are supposed to maintain minimum or no contact with the insurance company when investigations into the accident are still on going. These insurance agents have a way of confusing clients when they are most vulnerable thus the need to stay away from them. Check out for tips in choosing lawyers.


You do not want to be forced to say something that will be used against you in a court of law or during negotiations for compensation. If it was not for your attorney chances are that you might sign documents or engage in extended talks with strangers whose aim is to know your weakness and use it against you. You will learn that keeping away from suspicious looking individuals is important for you case.


Reject the first offer from your insurer


With the guidance of an attorney, the first offer from your insurer should be rejected. No matter how great an offer you think it is, the insurance company always starts with the lowest amount of money they can part with. An auto accident attorney is experienced enough to guide you through the offer process. Visit the site of professional lawyers to view their credentials.

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